Telecom Equipment Regulatory Approval
Type approval required for products that interface with a country's telecom network. This certification is mandated by every country in the MENA region and is issued by the respective regulatory agency of the importing country. The approval process often involves an exhaustive evaluation of test reports, samples, and other compliance documentation.
At LODEXCO, we specialize in streamlining this intricate process for you. We start by conducting a comprehensive analysis on your product to determine the specific approval requirements for your target markets. Based on this, we develop an optimal strategy for approval, prepare all technical application packages, and guide you all the way to securing your Type Approval certificate.
Our services span a wide range of wireless and telecom type approvals, including:
- Algeria ANF Telecom Approval - Agence Nationale des Fréquences
- Algeria ARPCE Telecom Approval - L'Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Communications Electroniques
- Bahrain TRA Telecom Approval - Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
- Bahrain DWLFM Telecom Approval - Directorate of Wireless Licensing, Frequency & Monitoring
- Egypt NTRA Telecom Approval - National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
- Iran CRA Telecom Approval - Communications Regulatory Authority
- Iraq CMC Telecom Approval - Communications and Media Commission
- Jordan TRC Telecom Approval - Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
- Kuwait CITRA Telecom Approval - Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority
- Lebanon MOC Telecom Approval - Ministry of Telecommunications
- Libya GACI Telecom Approval - General Authority for Communications and Informatics
- Mauritania ARE Telecom Approval - Autorité de Régulation
- Morocco ANRT Telecom Approval - Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications
- Oman TRA Telecom Approval - Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
- Pakistan PTA Type Approval - Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
- Palestine West Bank MTIT Telecom Approval - Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
- Palestine Gaza MTIT Telecom Approval - Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
- Qatar CRA Telecom Approval - Communications Regulatory Authority
- Saudi Arabia CST Approvals (previously CITC) - Communications, Space and Technology Commission
- Somalia NCA Telecom Approval - National Communications Authority
- South Africa ICASA Approval - Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
- Sudan TPRA Telecom Approval - Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority
- Syria SY-TPRA Telecom Approval - Telecommunication & Post Regulatory Authority
- Tunisia CERT Telecom Approval - Le Centre d’Etudes et de recherche des Télécommunications
- Turkey BTK Telecom Approval - Information and Communication Technologies Authority
- UAE TDRA Telecom Approval - Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
- Yemen MTIT Telecom Approval - Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
For more information about regulated products, required documents, procedures, standards, fees, and lead time, please don't hesitate to contact us.